Elixir of immortality m14
Elixir of immortality m14

elixir of immortality m14

This one is bonkers and it surprises me every time it gets passed to me. Lastly I would have to be at a loss for any other win condition, if I ever get an Elixir of Immortality or good rare card then these will stay on the bench. I would need some Scroll Thief, so that I can lie to myself and pretend the Zephyr Charge is a reasonable card to be playing with. I would need a blue deck with card draw, since without card draw trying to draw both at the same time is hard and they are near useless if you only draw one half. It has applications with Zephyr Charge but I would need a pretty unique set of circumstances to want to be playing with this combo. This card looks weak, and that’s mostly because it is weak. I would always play this card in a white deck but I wouldn’t go wild if I saw him in a draft, much better than a Child of Night or a Master of Diversion but worse than any removal or good creature. He isn’t even that much better than a card like Master of Diversion, don’t get me wrong he is better and first strike and lifelink are both fine but in the even he gets eaten all the same by Nephalia Seakite. Even when paired against a Rakdos deck they can usually just cast an Undead Minotaur or Canyon Minotaur and make you look foolish for first picking this guy.

elixir of immortality m14

When you read closely you see it doesn’t have protection from anything at all except being targeted by exactly Shock. This card is a real stinker and none of it’s abilities really do anything all that impressive. This is a card that can get incidental value and won’t usually allow you to build an enchantment combo deck. I have been disappointed with Ajani’s Chosen and Blightcaster but that’s only because I set my expectations so high and they turned out to be good and not great. This card gains traction with stuff like Sensory Deprivation, Claustrophobia, Auramancer, Quag Sickness, and Blightcaster. In a draft I would take it high hoping to make an enchantment theme happen and at worst I would have a Hill Giant in a color that really doesn’t mind having a Hill Giant. This card is totally fine, nothing amazing. This card is great and a good reason to want to go white-that said it isn’t really a card I love in a non-blue deck, though it works well in a black/white deck. It gives you a good reason to be “doing nothing” while you cast those Divinations, by that I mean it allows you to use your mana for something that doesn’t develop your own board too much into the Planar Cleansing while also digging for it. That is not true of this format and Planar Cleansing is a card that is near bomb rare status in a blue deck. This was a result of both sets being based around exalted and bloodthirst pushing them to be hyper-aggressive and thus making white a worse color to be playing in a control deck and making white and six mana cards in general much worse.

elixir of immortality m14

This has always been a very good card, but in the last couple core sets it was poor.

elixir of immortality m14

I learned the hard way exactly how good these cards are. These are cards that, if I knew what I know now, I would have played with much more or much less than I did at first. I will talk about rares I have personally played with and changed my opinion on, past my first impressions. I also won’t spend a lot of time talking about cards like Jace, Memory Adept or Kalonian Hydra which are the truly elite cards that you should always put in your deck. If I find the rare completely unplayable, like say Burning Earth, then I won’t spend much time talking about it. If you have a way to untap it, you can activate the ability multiple times in response to itself.Last week I talked a lot about the M14 common combat tricks you might run into and this week I figured I would do a total turnaround from that about talk about rares. Paying the activation cost of Elixir of Immortality's ability doesn't cause it to leave the battlefield. You are considered to have shuffled each affected library (even if, as a shortcut, each player physically shuffles his or her own library). If you gain control of another player's Elixir of Immortality and activate it, the Elixir of Immortality will be shuffled into its owner's library and the cards in your graveyard will be shuffled into your library. If it's anywhere else by that time, including in another player's graveyard, it remains where it is and you shuffle just your graveyard into your library. If Elixir of Immortality is in your graveyard at the time the ability resolves, you'll still wind up shuffling it into your library because you shuffle your entire graveyard into your library. As the ability resolves, you'll shuffle Elixir of Immortality into its owner's library directly from the battlefield, if it's still there.

Elixir of immortality m14